Sunday, October 12, 2008

vote ron a free republic

The simulation was interesting and a good experience, but to echo what just about everyone else said, it would be nice if the groups were more able to be swayed. I personally don’t agree with the law, so arguing for them as the UAW was interesting. At the end of the day I too think the American Auto Manufacturers did the best job of presenting facts and debating.

As far as the essay topic goes, I enjoyed it- no, who am I kidding. I enjoyed it as much as one can enjoy an essay of any sort. I didn’t change out of my PJs or leave my desk for four hours Saturday, so enjoy might be the wrong word. But I can see the relevance in writing on a topic like this, and if anything it makes it more interesting than a prompt involving the political history of Slovenia circa the Roman Empire. So I’m not complaining. Yet.

As many of you may or may not know, I went to see Ron Paul speak earlier this week and got to meet him and it was fantastic. Yes, Andrew was right in that a few of the kids that went were the ones that quote- hide in their mom’s basement lurking Ron Paul forums 24/7 –unquote…but not all of them. If any of you met Barack Obama you’d be pretty excited too, so give me a break guys. :) His speech was crazy interesting and addressed, among other things, the bailout, Iraq and the Federal Reserve. Here is another informative site about some of the secrets of the Fed.

Ron Paul is amazing.

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