Monday, October 6, 2008


The fact that Sarah Palin was simply able to find the stage and stand on it for an hour and a half without collapsing unfortunately means that the Biden-Palin debate is more or less considered a tie. It was certainly informative to see the vice presidential candidates, okay, it was interesting to see Palin in action live, instead of through a series of incoherent and bumbling video clips. However, seeing her in this manner did nothing to assuage any doubts. In fact, I would say it had quite the opposite effect.
Having now seen “Palin being Palin”, I believe it is safe to say that now more than ever, I would be terrified to have this woman sitting next in line to an aging president. The temptress couldn’t fool me with her saucy winks into the camera and her dear-God-make-it-stop folksy accent. What threw me off the most is how she blatantly showed disrespect and disregard for the debate itself by admittedly refusing to answer questions the way they were asked of her. What is the purpose of the debate if not to answer the questions posed? Though I suppose I should give her some credit, she didn’t break down and stutter for an extended period of time, nor did she tell us that she’d get back to us on something. Although giving a shout-out to third graders in Podunk, Alaska is unacceptable under any circumstance. Seriously, that’s the kind of thing I would expect from an unpopular late-night radio station back home than a vice presidential candidate.


Lucas said...

Its like grading on a curve. Palin didn't have to win the debate, she just had to not lose. That way she cold "prove" that she is capable of the vice presidency. Its frustrating that the media has largely ignored this inconsistency in how the candidates are evaluated. Imagine what sort of attention Hillary would have received if she winked at the camera, or gave a shout out to the third grade students.

I hope Palin likes Alaska. Both the current polls and common sense indicate the failure of the republican campaign.

Phil said...

Alaska: America's useless top hat.

Jasmine said...

I'm no feminist nor am I a Palin fan, but the fact that the bar was set so low for her is blatantly sexist. Her performance was astonishingly poor and yet nobody batted an eyelash.