Wednesday, October 22, 2008

economy in relation to national security = positive correlation

So will the global financial crisis affect our security? I think so. In thinking about the position of the United States relative to the rest of the world, I vaguely remembered something I learned back in American History about the post-world war II economy and the United States assisting Europe’s reconstruction. The United States was in the best position financially after WWII and thus was in the best position negotiation-wise. We gave a large amount of financial support to the British and the value of the pound was largely dependent on our support. The U.S. didn’t hesitate to use this advantage when negotiating with G.B. or other parts of Western Europe, just as I think other countries will jump at the chance to take advantage of any financial weakness of the United States.
I see things as being similar in the current financial crisis. Someone will come out on top, and it may not be the United States. Whoever is on top will most likely have a huge influence on the United States, and the possibility is high that we would have to choose between various national interests and our economy. Furthermore, a weak economy can not only affect our status as a hegemony, it can also affect our physical security. Wars, weapons, and intelligence are all extremely costly yet extremely necessary to maintain our territorial integrity.

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