Monday, November 17, 2008

The Theocracy of Eloby

I’ll start this blog post out with saying that I was thoroughly underwhelmed with the UC common event with Krista Tippet. Though undoubtedly well spoken and well meaning, I got the impression that she did not really answer our questions beyond what was required to somewhat transition back to a different point that she wanted to address. Despite her sort of swinging questions to her liking or convenience, I still felt like she was very repetitive and could have made all her points in the space of twenty minutes instead of the hour and a half allotted. Though in her defense, a decent amount of our questions were rather difficult to answer or had a very contrived and obvious answer that she may not necessarily agree with (“is it arrogant to claim truth or can truth simply be claimed in an arrogant fashion?”).

Friday’s class was an interesting one. Representing an island nation with six million people per square kilometer and a per capita GDP of $16 made me realize the importance of prioritization of resources in a poor country. I think our particular situation was a bit unique, as I wouldn’t imagine that many world leaders adjust spending in hopes of a vast majority of the population disappearing, either through emigration or… other things… We could not really afford to look out for corruption within the government when all of our money needed to be allocated to sanitization and disease control to keep the population from being decimated. Even though we figured that would probably be a good thing, the world community probably would not share our sentiments and would be less likely to help us out financially.

1 comment:

Mnadler said...

I certainly agree with some of your complaints about the most recent UC Common event. I agree that she tended to avoid answering certain questions. Also, she had a pro-religion bias, which is completely okay, but a bit annoying to an atheist like me - I kept on wanting to jump up and debate her.

I agree with Professor Park (if I remember correctly) - Professor Jackson said that Prof. Park would have liked for there to have been a mandatory secular reading or presentation to accompany the Tippet event, in order to provide full diversity of opinion.